Dr. Candice Koch (Dalek) BS, DC, FIAMA

Dr. Candice has three beautiful and energetic children. She benefited from chiropractic care during her pregnancies and wants to share the benefits with other women. Dr. Candice is compassionate and understands the needs of pregnant women and mothers at all stages of life. Dr. Candice is experienced with children and understands the importance of a child’s health. She believes that active families are healthier when they incorporate fundamental principles of chiropractic and nutrition into their fast-paced lifestyle. Ask her about clean products and nutritional supplements/food.

Dr. Candice spends time talking to her patients about their health and wellness and walks the walk. Dr. Candice understands that people who are in pain deserve compassion to help facilitate the elimination of the cause. Dr. Candice incorporates techniques for active families in Chiropractic, Medical Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Cupping, Qua Sha, Medical Ozone Therapy, Craniosacral, PEMF devices, Lasers, TENS, Emotional Techniques, Bioenergetic Scans, and other modalities.

Education / Experience

1999-2003 Palmer College of Chiropractic, Doctor of Chiropractic and Bachelor of Science
1994-1998 University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO
2013 International Academy of Medical Acupuncture
2002-2003 AK teaching assistant for Dr. Hogg, D.C., Davenport, IA

Specialty Techniques and Training

Applied Kinesiology
Advanced BioStructural Correction
Gardner Method (Pregnancy Specific)
Webster (Pregnancy Specific)
Palmer Package
Dry Needling​

Specialty Techniques and Training Continued

Internal Pelvic Floor Stability (Institute For Birth Healing)
Sacral Occipital Technique (SOT)
NeuroEmotional Technique (NET)
​Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)
Bagnell/Gardner Method (Pregnancy Specific)

Volunteer & Missions

1994 Peer Counselor • Manitou Springs High School- Manitou Springs, Colorado
1989 Round Valley Indian Reservation Covelo, California
1988 San Luis Valley, Center, Colorado
Covington, Los Angeles, Habitat for Humanity
​1987 San Jose, California
1986 Mexico

​Personal Interests

Outdoors , Playing with children , Reading, Traveling, Business building, Informing others about clean products so they can make an informed decision.